for the most part:
You got that right!
i recently read the elder's manual, from the website.. there is an interesting article on how elder's train ministerial servants to "greet" people at the doors.
they are told to be friendly to the those in attendance and to arrive early and stay late to associate with the friends.. in other words, it would seem that the friendliness shown by elders and servants at the halls is more of a duty than a desire to get to know the brothers and sisters.. many times, elders and servants have been enthusiastic to me in their greetings only, but rarely stop to engage in conversation.
they are not interested in people, only an outward appearance of friendliness, which bolsters the image of the org as having genuine love..
for the most part:
You got that right!
... wouldn't it make sense that they would actually be viewed enough as important, that they might be mentioned in the news a bit?
i can honestly say that i hardly hear of any witnesses being mentioned in the news and when they are, it is a small part that is hardly noticed and not flattering to the witnesses.
if i were to see this sign, as something that made you think a religion was god's chosen, simply on the idea that the world would turn on them.
Who turned on Jesus? His religion, the Jews turned him in, paid Judas 30 pieces of silver.
Math. 13: 9 NWT 'As for you, look out for yourselves; people will deliver you up to local courts, and you will be beaten in synagogues and be put on the stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them......vs. 12 Furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against parents and have them put ot death, and you will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name.'
It seems like when we are being d'fed, we are being turned in to a death of sorts and beaten in the synagogue (kingdom hall). The true hatred seems to be, right now..with the WT toward us.
first off, i did not write this.
i found it on the net.
i think this guy made an interesting point.
Hello, good post,
I truly believe, God is bigger than to care, what we call him and if it's pronounced exactly right. It was important to the nation of Isreal, because he had a government on earth that he was providing for the seed to come through, and to provide the typical representation of the kingdom to come. But now, as he is gathering people of every tribe of the earth, he knows, people call him all different names, and is fine with that. At least that's what it seems to me.
i stumbled on this site dong some research, i post now only for those you have not sinned against jehovah's holy spirit, since only jehovah knows this, some value might be taken form this.
i currently serve as the service overseer in my congregation, i have been an elder for over 10 years.. the fundmental issue that challanges every jw faith at some point are the imperfections of the wtbs, & those that take the lead sometimes make huge errors.
as a third generation jw with a huge network of elders, i have heard many bad things about those that take the lead.. some of these have effected myself and my family, this is the test, no different than what job faced, but it is more on the emotional and mental level.
Hello truth:
You said: You thought we left for selfish reasons. No, I don't think so. The people on this board are some of the most honest hearted and courageous people ever. They go against the grain, to stay true to God and set the right example for people, even though they had to be disfellowshipped or d'aed and shunned. I was a very zealous witness for 26 years.. I used to be exactly like you in thought. I understand the way, you are seeing things.. You mentioned Math. 24 about the Faithful and Discreet slave. I think, that Russell was a f and d slave, but no, since then, I truly believe the WT has become the 'evil slave'. The WT are rulers, not fellow christians. They are drunk with power.. The only truths they have are what they took from Russell. Well, that my story and I'm sticking to it.
i just checked on the stats for this week, and it looks like taylor is still #1. elliot has the lowest votes, but it's close with kat.. i thought her "over the rainbow" was brilliant, but taylor ruled the show.
Hello there:
I've never cared for Taylor.. But Mike (a christian) will be happy. I would want Kat to win and Elliot, second.. Love the show a lot. Last year, was so disappointed when Carrie won. I liked Nadia and Constantine.
a few days ago, someone posted an email that was sent by a sister in bethel.. a follow up post gives some more info on the reorganization in brooklyn bethel and the district convention theme.. any comments?.
the brooklyn move is fascinating, to be sure.. .
Boring....the last assembly, they didn't mention anything about the end.. It was my last.. I left in Sept.
Since they are the 'evil slave', they don't have a clue about the end, and have every prophesy WRONG.
Math. 24:50 the servant's master will come on an unexpected day and ant an unknown hour and will punish him severely and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.
They came out with a brochere, called ' Keep on the Watch', convention of 2004.. and they said 'the hour of judgement had arrived' and then in the following watchtower studies..made it look like it was no big deal, after all, being in the 'hour of judgement'. ugh...
all the ads for da vinci code and opus dei whatever got me thinking about the whole jesus-mary thing, and what genes jesus had.
how was mary impregnated anyhow?
the wt teaches that the big j turned jesus (or michael??
Dear Pope:
Yes, I definately think Joseph's sperm was there too. The bloodline of Joseph is carefully scripted in the gospels. God told Abraham, that the messiah would be of his seed.. not just a legal formation, (what the JW's and Christadelphians teach.)
What a mix! What happened to the personality of the fertilized egg before God overwrote it with Jesus' personality? I guess that one was aborted?
lol...Good point, all 3 personalities together? Weird thought....
i stumbled on this site dong some research, i post now only for those you have not sinned against jehovah's holy spirit, since only jehovah knows this, some value might be taken form this.
i currently serve as the service overseer in my congregation, i have been an elder for over 10 years.. the fundmental issue that challanges every jw faith at some point are the imperfections of the wtbs, & those that take the lead sometimes make huge errors.
as a third generation jw with a huge network of elders, i have heard many bad things about those that take the lead.. some of these have effected myself and my family, this is the test, no different than what job faced, but it is more on the emotional and mental level.
Dear Truth,
I know you are sincerely trying to help. But the thing is, there shouldn't be a governing body. The word, governing body is not in the bible.. The apostles in Jerusalem and older men, helped with one single problem, circumcism, and that was only after the arguing went on for years.. They didn't rule the people. The thousand year reign of Christ hasn't begun yet, so noone should be ruling over us. At this time, there is only one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ.. So the structure of the WT is wrong, from the core.. I believe there are alot of good-hearted people within the org. There are many wrong things.. One thing is that nobody should order you to quit speaking with your loved ones, if they are disfellowshipped. If someone wants to quit associating with someone..because they are a bad influence, it is their decision and theres alone.. There is much more.. I know you want to help but......
i'm new here and i had a question i was hoping you could help me with.
why does james 2:21 say that abraham was justified by works and yet romans 4:2 says that he was justified by faith?
also genesis 15:6 says he was justified by faith?
Thought I would type them out for us..
James 2:21 NAV 'Was not Abraham our father jusified by works when he offered his son Isaac upon the alter. You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was was completed by the works.'
Rom. 4:2 NAV 'Indeed, if Abraham was justified on the basis of his works, he has reason to boast; but this was not so in the sight of God. For what does the scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."
Gen. 15:6 NAV 'Abram put his faith in the Lord, who credited it to him as an act of righteousness.'
Doesn't sound like a contradiction by reading the's just works completed the act of faith.
all the ads for da vinci code and opus dei whatever got me thinking about the whole jesus-mary thing, and what genes jesus had.
how was mary impregnated anyhow?
the wt teaches that the big j turned jesus (or michael??
Hey there.
I think Jesus was in the fallen the rest of us.. otherwise he couldn't be tempted in every way like ourselves..and also he would stand out as really different..wouldn't even show any signs of aging.. I also think that to be true to his promise to Abraham, about the seed coming from his family line, that Jesus had the genes of both Joseph and Mary. Otherwise the scriptures wouldn't have shown the genetic family line of both mother and father, and God's promise to Abraham wouldn't have been kept. Also Jesus would have had to resemble both mother and father, to fit in the family and for Joseph to feel complete love for his son. The soul of Jesus could have been put in the fertilized egg. God could do anything.